Contributing to a Healthy Canadian Workforce: Appropriate Care for MSK Conditions

Contributing to a Healthy Canadian Workforce: Appropriate Care for MSK Conditions

We’ve said it before, but it bears repeating: low back pain (LBP) is at epidemic levels in Canada. Over 80% of Canadians can expect to suffer an episode of LBP in their lifetime, and it is a leading…

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What is pain? Here are 3 Things you need to Know

What is pain? Here are 3 Things you need to Know

Everybody experiences pain, but what exactly is pain and how do we measure it? Developing a common scale to identify levels of pain is difficult considering that everyone has a slightly

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Side view of Asian female nurse helping senior Caucasian male patient for back pain at retirement home

How Chiropractors can help Workplace Injuries

It seems like every day a new article is published highlighting the risks to our health associated with sitting. According to Canadian Chiropractic Association, this can be problematic considering

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