“My doctor prescribes antibiotics for ear infections, but my child still has recurrences.” This frequently heard remark is stated by many parents every day. Commonly, parents accept acute otitis media or ear infections as a normal part of a young child’s life, however this is not always a normal phenomenon.

Research shows that children may get ear infections as a result of improper drainage of the deep neck lymphatics. This causes fluid build up, an inflamed and bulging eardrum, as well as pain and irritation in the ear canal.

A common medical treatment is the prescription of oral antibiotics. However, a Journal of the American Medical Association study concluded that children who took antibiotics for chronic ear infections were up to six times more likely to have a recurrence than those who received a placebo.

Of great concern is the fact that antibiotic resistant strains of childhood ear infections are on the rise. Health officials say the trend is closely linked to medical doctors’ misuse and overuse of antibiotics. It is now known that antibiotics can cause serious side effects and these highly resistant strains are causing even more serious infections.

Chiropractic research has demonstrated that, with every adjustment, the improvement of nervous system function can have a positive effect on immune system function. In fact, Dr. Ron Pero found that the immune system in chiropractic patients is 200-400% stronger than in non-chiropractic patients.

With gentle adjustments and correction of subluxations in children, the lymphatic system to the ears will drain easier, nerves will function better and the immune system will be boosted, giving your child a better chance of fighting off an ear infection naturally and antibiotic free.


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